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You need to Grow Yourself to Know Yourself

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

In The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Maxwell shares the core of what he has learned about developing yourself so that you have the best chance of becoming the person you were created to be.

Put Your Dream to the Test

Most people fail to realize their potential because their dream remains hypothetical. Put Your Dream To the Test takes your dream from ethereal to achievable. Learn how to crystallize your vision and galvanize your commitment.

Everyone Communicates Few Connect

Learn how to identify with people and relate to others in a way that increases your influence with them. To be a successful leader, you need to learn to communicate in a way that connects with others.

How To Be A REAL Success

SUCCESS is knowing your purpose in life; growing to your maximum potential; sowing the seeds that benefit others. It is a rather simple recipe yet requires awareness, study, practice and mentoring to achieve.

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